OFSAA mountain bike race in Durham Forest
Uxbridge times Journal By: Celia Klemenz Top high school mountain bikers compete in inaugural race.
Uxbridge times Journal By: Celia Klemenz Top high school mountain bikers compete in inaugural race.
durhamregion.com June 3, 2014The Ward 2 local council seat remains the most competitive race so far for the October municipal elections.
Durham District School Board May 31/14Lake Ontario Secondary School Athletics (LOSSA) will host the 2014 OFSAA Boys’ Rugby A/AA and AAA/AAAA championships in Durham region Thursday, June 5 to Saturday, June 7, 2014.
Durham District School Board May 30/14Westney Heights Public School will host a display of Aboriginal artifacts on Monday, June 9, 2014 and the community is invited to attend.
Durham District School Board May 30/14 Cafeteria Connects: Bringing Ontario Foods to Secondary School Cafeterias.
Jeff Gray OSHAWA, ONT. — The Globe and MailOn the third day of his cross-examination of his wife in a tense courtroom, teacher Paul Martin finally began challenging her horrifying testimony that he slashed her throat on the last day of the couple’s 2010 trip to Jamaica and left her bleeding by the side of the road.
www.durhamcollege.ca The fourth annual Impact on Family Violence Conference: A South Asian Perspective (FVC 2014) was held at the joint Durham College and the University of Ontario Institute of Technology Oshawa campus earlier this month.
Come out and celebrate as Dr. S.J.Philips Public School Celebrates 90 years! Friday June 13th from 5-8pm and Saturday June 14th from 11am-2pm. The school is located at 625 Simcoe St North in Oshawa. Visit http://www.ddsb.ca/school/phillips/Pages/default.aspx for more info.
Northumberland View.Ca May 28, 2014Students get 15.9 per cent return; long-term earnings and other benefits.
By Parvaneh Pessian May 28, 2014 Durham Region.ComStudents will visit key historic sites on educational tour through France and Italy.