5 oldest schools in Durham Region
September 13, 2014, Clarington This WeekDURHAM — The kids are back in school and some of those buildings may have a bit more history behind them than others.
September 13, 2014, Clarington This WeekDURHAM — The kids are back in school and some of those buildings may have a bit more history behind them than others.
durhamregion.com, September 14, 2014, By: Judi BobbittHealth department focuses on post-secondary kids, highlighting relationship between alcohol and cancer.
newswire.ca, Sept. 17, 2014 /CNW/ Fourteen elementary schools across the province are being profiled this year.
September 17, 2014, By Chris Doucette, Toronto SunA 22-year-old student is fighting for his life after a stabbing on campus at Durham College in north Oshawa Wednesday afternoon.
September 2, 2014, durhamregion.comOfficers fanned out across the region Tuesday morning for the beginning of a week-long safety blitz targeting unsafe driving in school zones.
digitaljournal.com, September 4, 2014The Classical Station, WCPE Radio, granted $2,000.00 to the Durham-based music program Kidznotes to help send six underprivileged children to a three-week summer music camp this past July.
thestar.com, September7, 2014The growing number of Catholic boards opening their doors to all faiths has raised concerns about a creeping overlap between separate and public boards.
durhamregion.com, August 28, 2014Province-wide EQAO results show literacy rates improve in elementary school.
By Lindsey Cole/The Oshawa Express, August 20, 2014 While it is only August, during a recent Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario annual general meeting, a motion was passed stating that when transportation for students is cancelled, schools and work sites of education workers should be closed as well, meaning teachers can stay home too.
Ajax News Advertiser, August 22, 2014, By: Kristen CalisTeacher Mentors Abroad share best practices