Durham teachers help those in Dominican
Ajax News Advertiser, August 22, 2014, By: Kristen CalisTeacher Mentors Abroad share best practices
Ajax News Advertiser, August 22, 2014, By: Kristen CalisTeacher Mentors Abroad share best practices
August 17, 2014, Whitby This Week, By: Kristen CalisSkills Ontario hosts camp that showcases different trades.
Durhamregion.com, August 13, 2014Durham College’s horticulture program is taking firm root in the hallowed halls of education with the construction of a greenhouse at the Whitby campus.
Oshawa THis Week, By: Brad AndrewsPartnership between Durham College and local business encouraged by larger efforts.
www.durhamcollege.caThe drill is designed to build awareness around the steps to take in the event of an actual lockdown while testing the college and university’s emergency response plan and lockdown procedures and identifying areas for improvement going forward. An outline of the drill can be found on the lockdown website.